* "Only connect. . ." E.M. Forster, Howard's End

Sunday, April 10, 2011

Social Media Promotion

Social media marketing you've probably heard the term but you may be unclear as to what it is. In ‘management speak' social media marketing is ‘using social networking and user-generated content platforms to promote a product, service or content by dialogue with the target audience rather than advertising to them'. Social media marketing benefits organizations and individuals by providing an additional channel for customer support, a means to gain customer and competitive insight, recruitment and preservation of new customers/business partners, and a 
method of managing their reputation online.

Social media marketing is a relatively new marketing concept that involves increased social interaction on websites and has gained enormous popularity over the last year or two. There are many different types of social media and within this there are also many different websites. Social Media marketing is the fastest growing marketing technique today. Social media marketing is the type of planned marketing efforts that lead to the "Viral" spread of a company's message. This viral message creates several positive results. First, it attracts new previously unreached consumers to the company. Second, it generates internet content that is tracked and indexed by Google and other search engines. This content naturally increases search engine ranking and draws additional consumers. Social media sites are classified as internet
 sharing sites and these internet locations offer free tools where internet users can discuss and share information at a causal level.

Most social networks provide a whole variety of ways for users to interact. Because of the vast explosion of sites social network aggregation – collecting content from multiple social network service to allow users to strengthen messages, track friends, combine bookmarks, etc. so that it can be shown in ‘real time' to other members and eliminates the need to jump networks to keep up to date – has also grown fast.

Social media marketing can have a tremendous impact on your marketing plans. It can either extend your reach or send your customers running scared. A solid understanding of social networking, social marketing, and how they interact will increase your chances of succeeding. Much like traditional media, marketers have a variety of Social Media tools that can be used to reduce the amount of time necessary to succeed.

Read more: http://www.articlesbase.com/social-marketing-articles/social-media-promotion-4532173.html#ixzz1IaMV8OJd 
Under Creative Commons License: Attribution

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